DUMPStat patches
The following table contains current DUMPStat patches.
You can click on the description hyperlink for more details on how each
patch will affect your program. Click once on the file name to download
the file, and save it to your DUMPStat program directory.
that DUMPStat 2.1.1 must be installed prior to installing the cumulative
patch (DUMP218.EXE). Do not try to install the patch over a 2.0 or 2.1
installation — this
will cause DUMPStat to stop functioning.
ISG.EXE is a password-protected
file. After saving it to your
DUMPStat program directory, click on Statistical
Guide from DUMPStat's Help Menu.
DUMP218.EXE and DS_USER.EXE are self-extracting
Follow these steps to install
- Double-click on the downloaded
file to
extract its contents.
- Choose to overwrite the existing file(s) when prompted.
Click on OK. (Note: if the overwrite warning does not appear, you may
be extracting the patch files to the wrong directory.)
- Do not delete the self-extracting file once you have unzipped it — this
file can be a useful reference for tech support if you experience any
problems later on.
- If you have multiple installations of DUMPStat you will need to ensure
that the self-extracting file is unzipped to each DUMPStat directory.
DUMPStat 2.1.8 Statistical
Guide Installation
This is an installation file for the DUMPStat Statistical
Guide PDF. If you cannot access the Statistical Guide
from DUMPStat's Help Menu, save this file to your
DUMPStat program directory. In DUMPStat, click on Statistical Guide
from the Help Menu.
Note that the Statistical Guide PDF can be accessed only from
a fully registered DUMPStat. 
DUMPStat 2.1.8 maintenance release
This is a self-extracting file containing DUMPStat
program and statistical components, as well as accessory files and an
updated Help file.
April 25, 2003 changes:
- The January 2003 change
to outlier detection in Up vs. Down Prediction Limits introduced
an error such that samples for the last well in the list of upgradient
wells were not compared to the median value. Since only Dixon's test
was being used to determine outliers, the last well could have samples
declared as outliers without them being greater than 10 times the
median value which was inconsistent. This has been corrected.
April 17, 2003 changes:
- Manual reporting limits were not implemented correctly
in Intra-Well Sublist Prediction Limits such that nondetects were
ignored in the calculation of background limits. This did not affect
the nonsublist version nor were any other analyses affected. The error
was introduced in the January update.
- Minor enhancements were made to the new site lock disabling feature.
- Inaccessible archival directories no longer cause
a site to be permanently set to "read only" status. Previously, if
a network drive were unavailable when DUMPStat was started a site could
be put in a "read only" state such that the site could not be saved.
Now the site is set to "read only" only during the time when the drive
is not accessible and access is reset to "read write" when the program
starts with the archival directory available to the computer.

January 2003 changes:
- The outlier test was altered
to eliminate round-off error on internal processing. For a value
to be considered an outlier it must be classified as such by Dixon's
test and be either 3 or 10 times the median value depending on the
analysis being performed. Prior to this correction values that were
exactly 3 (or 10) times the median value may have been allowed to
be considered outliers. Now values must be strictly greater than
3 (or 10) times the median value in addition to Dixon's test to be
classified as outliers.
- When manual reporting limits
are enabled, they are still used in the calculations but are no longer
plotted on the graphs. Instead, the nondetect samples are plotted at
their original merged values, and the manual reporting limit for that
constituent is instead indicated on the graph by a small diamond. If
you are doing confidence limits, surface water or air analyses, the
manual reporting limit is divided by two. In cases where manual reporting
limits are not enabled, or where they are but the constituent doesn't
have one, the median [lab] reporting limit, or half the limit, is used.
- Surface water and air nondetects
used to be plotted as half the median reporting limit instead of half
the original lab values. This was inconsistent with nondetects in confidence
limits, which were plotted at half their lab values. This has been corrected
now so that confidence limits, surface water, and air analyses all have
nondetects plotted at their original merged value/2.
- There is a new display option
for the statistical power charts to overlay five dotted lines on the
graph. Two vertical lines appear at 3 and 4 SDs (standard deviations)
along the horizontal axis, and run from the top to the bottom of the
area bounded by the axes. Three horizontal lines appear at 5%, 50%,
and 80% likelihood on the vertical axis. The lines provide a visual
reference for judging the position and steepness of the power curve,
and are displayed either all together or not at all. They will also
be printed if you have them turned on.
- DUMPStat now allows more
flexibility in site locking. You may turn off site locking altogether,
and you may also choose whether to have DUMPStat save to the archival
site directory.
- Previously, DUMPStat observed
only manual outliers while testing for trends in Time Series (if manual
outliers were enabled). Now, DUMPStat screens for automatic outliers
too, and then performs the trend test, if you are identifying historical
- When you select a data file
to merge, text files are now listed as .PRN as well as .TXT. in the
‘List Files of Type’ box. The recognized file types list
includes .rec (leftover records), .csv, and .dat, and all files.
- When DUMPStat and Explorer
are using the same site, there used to be conflicts when each program
was attempting to access the database. There is now a higher degree
of compatibility between the two programs, and there will be no failures
if the database is being accessed simultaneously.
- For setting manual reporting
limits and standards (in Select for Assessment), if there was at least
one item that did not have units (like pH), you were asked whether to
save your changes if you simply canceled out of the dialog without changing
anything. Now, there is no enquiring message box if you cancel out of
the window with no changes.

June 2002 changes:
- Previously, if you changed
the printer in either DUMPStat or any of the viewers, it was necessary
to shut down the program and restart it for the change to take effect.
Now, the Graph, Worksheet, and Power Chart viewers allow you to make
a printer switch and see the change immediately, without restarting.
However, it is usually still necessary to restart DUMPStat or the Table
Viewer if you have changed the printer in either one of these programs.
- When the data for a graph
spans a very short period, the default time display unit in the Graph
Viewer is half a year. We used to display half years as January to June.
It has now been corrected to display January - July.
- Small text on analysis output
has been clarified and is now easier to read.

October 2001 changes:
- All settings chosen in the
Set Time Windows dialog are now saved with zones. This includes the
option to include the most recent data for Up vs. Down analyses, and
to ignore all data beyond a specified month.
- All statistical options are now saved with zones.
- Zone files can now be successfully transferred between different versions of DUMPStat.
- Analytical Data Summary tables can now be custom numbered, either consecutively or all the same
- Custom numbering for all tables can be up to 3 digits.
- Table 6 in Up vs. Down Prediction Limits now accepts changes in title or table number.
- New default file extension (*.txt) for selecting data files to merge.
- DUMPStat communicates more smoothly with the viewer applications now, eliminating occasional error messages generated when statistical settings were changed with old output still open.
- Merge Data window more robust: no more failure due to illegally grouped numbers resulting from accidental inclusions in the wrong columns.

April 2001 changes:
- Instances of page numbering starting at page 2 have been eliminated.
- Power chart curves now display correctly when the y-intercept is 90 or higher.
March 2001 changes:
- The Fix Horizontal Axis function has been fixed to work with graphs that don't have any data
- Statistical Power Charts that couldn't be computed are flagged with a more informative message
than previously.
- Log scaling has been improved so that lower prediction limits are now drawn at 0.
- Print command is handled more gracefully now if there are no graphs to view.
- New statistical option allows you to set the Alpha value as either the calculated value or the minimum of the calculated value and 0.01. This affects Up vs. Down, Intra-Well Control Charts, and Intra-Well Prediction Limits.
- No more "installation out of sync" errors resulting from unexpected Windows shutdowns.
- Outliers in Up vs. Down Prediction Limits are now accurately identified.
- For Intra-Well (& Sublist) Control Charts, Time Series, Intra-Well (& Sublist) Prediction Limits, and Confidence Limits, analyses will not fail if the "Ignore Data After" command has been set to exclude all data from the analysis.

Statistical changes:
- In Sublist Control Charts and Prediction Limits, two-sided limits for all constituents after pH
have been eliminated and the correct single limits are now being displayed.
- Outliers in Up vs. Down Prediction Limits are now accurately identified.
- For Intra-Well (& Sublist) Control Charts, Time Series, Intra-Well (& Sublist) Prediction Limits, and Confidence Limits, analyses will not fail if the "Ignore Data After" command has been set to exclude all data from the analysis.

DUMPStat 2.1.8 User's Guide
This is a self-extracting file containing the
updated DUMPStat User's Guide PDF. The User's Guide PDF can be accessed
on DUMPStat's Help Menu. 